Awesome pick de gallo
1 min read

Hey there! This post was written in 2007, so it may contain information that is no longer accurate or thoughts that no longer reflect how I feel. As human beings, we're constantly learning and bettering ourselves through experiences and interactions with the world and each other.
I keep posts like this around for historical purposes and to prevent link rot, so please keep this in mind as you're reading.
— Cory
We made Chipotle-style burritos for Halloween, which meant that I needed to make some kickin' pico de gallo. So I found a recipe online, adapted it a bit, and made some awesome pico de gallo. Here's how I made it:
Ingredients #
- 5 vine-ripe tomatoes (the good kind)
- 1/2 red bell pepper
- 4 pieces of cilantro
- 1 Habenero pepper
- 1/2 sweet Vidalia onion
- ~ 2 tablespoons of lime juice
Procedure #
- Chop the tomatoes, red pepper, and onion, into tiny pieces, similar to how you would see them in a salsa. Add to large bowl.
- Chop the cilantro into really tiny pieces and add to bowl.
- Chop the Habenero pepper up into really tiny pieces. Then, chop them into even tinier pieces. Now, chop them some more. OK, now put them in the bowl (warning: don't lick one of these to see how spicy they are—that's just dumb)
- Add the lime juice to the bowl
- Mix thoroughly, adding salt and pepper to taste
- Let sit refrigerated overnight.
Yields #
A shit load of pico de gallo.