The Wish

Hey there! This post was written in 2002, so it may contain information that is no longer accurate or thoughts that no longer reflect how I feel. As human beings, we're constantly learning and bettering ourselves through experiences and interactions with the world and each other.
I keep posts like this around for historical purposes and to prevent link rot, so please keep this in mind as you're reading.
— Cory
The clouds shed all the tears
That the child cannot cry
His anger is expressed
As the thunder fills the sky
Lightning flashes indicating
The worst is almost here
The wind blows through the memories
That make his mind unclear
The sacrifice of all this child's
Hopes and aspirations
Cannot be justified by just
A simple explanation
And yet a ray of sunlight
Finds its way onto the earth
It breaks through all the clouds and rain
And shines for what it's worth
A symbol of freedom, hope and chance
And strength to pull him through
Another attempt at becoming the man
He always wanted to
The rain will stop and the earth will absorb
The sadness in his heart
For this young child's only wish
Was granted from the start